Special Things

Monday, September 9, 2013

GSP's Book of the Day September 9

Sirion by Ivano Massari

#GypsyShadow #checkeditout #fantasy

The world of Mendleburg is threatened by the growing power of the Druadians led by their vicious overlord, the emperor Estraimor. Between the armed hosts of Estraimor and southern Mendleburg, lies the mighty Dwarf fortress of Sirak-arnal which Estraimor must overthrow in order to achieve his dreams of conquest. Azhal, Warden of Sirak-arnal, sends out a company of Dwarves to seek for the Sceptre of Anankhar. With this great heirloom of the Dwarf race in his possession, Azhal will be able to command the allegiance of the disunited tribes of the Dwarves, and thus swell the ranks of the defenders of Sirak-arnal before the hosts of Estraimor lay siege to Sirak-arnal. The mighty wizard, Sirion, joins the companion as they seek for the sceptre. Dangers beset the company and the companions call upon Sirion’s great knowledge, skill in arms and powerful magic to ensure the success of their quest.

Word Count: 85400

Pages to Print: 224 

Price: $5.99


The mighty wizard Sirion must deliver the Sceptre to the Dwarves’ mountain fortress before the armies of the empire of Druad begin their siege. Sirion, an epic fantasy novel by Ivano Massari. Available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, other fine eBook vendors and Gypsy Shadow Publishing at:

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