Special Things

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

GSP's Book of the Day June 11

Georgia's Smile by Lee-Ann Graff Vinson

Georgia parked in front of the flower shop where she worked. Her eye throbbed behind her dark sunglasses. She knew she had to leave her husband, Philip, but after last night’s threat of what would happen if she did, she was even more scared to go. Little did Georgia know that when she opened her car door to go into work that morning, she would run into the man who was willing to change all of that.

Marc Ramos was a man, a very handsome, but married, man. A man who made Georgia’s heart beat again after years of neglect. His mere touch sent chills through her body and took her breath away. Never before had Georgia felt such passion for a man, and definitely not a man she had almost brought to his knees with her car door.

Word Count: 4700
Pages to Print: 19
Price: $2.99


Never before had Georgia felt such passion for a man, and definitely not a man she had almost brought to his knees with her car door . . . Georgia's Smile, a short story by Lee-Ann Graff Vinson. Available from Amazon, other fine eBook vendors and Gypsy Shadow Publishing at:


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