Book of the Day April 27
Martin Cravitt thought it a fantastic deal: an all expenses paid vacation to a seaside resort, offered to him out of the blue. Fine accommodations, the best food, new companions; too good to be true? The resort was strange, oddly isolated, old and a bit run down. There were only two other guests in that big place, winners of the same offer Martin received, catered to by a small staff who certainly seemed eager to please. Or could it be, as Martin began to suspect, that they were keen to kill? Slowly he uncovers the truth, so incredible that he scarcely believes in the reality of the danger closing in on him.
"All Expenses Paid" is the story of a man, Martin Cravitt, a born loser, who out of the blue wins a dream vacation at a seaside resort, supposedly due to a contest he entered, although he remembers no such thing. Driven there by a resort staffer, he arrives at an old, amazingly isolated property with, counting himself, only three guests, all there as a result of the contest. It seems they have much in common; all three are without family, all rather pathetic loners. Here, then, they will be paid back for their miserable lives.
It turns out they are in big trouble. Something sinister is going on there. Martin stumbles across certain clues, laid out so obviously that it's as if his hosts want him to suspect. Could it be? Then the third guest, the elderly Wallis Morton, disappears in the night. Martin and his remaining companion, Diana Carswell, start to believe the unbelievable: they are prisoners of a group of ritual cannibals, operating with genteel manner in the modern world. As their hosts grow ever more brazen the pair plan their escape.)
Word Count: 31800
Pages to Print: 96
Price: $4.99
We are pleased to announce that you are a winner. Your entry has been selected as one of our grand prizes. You will receive an all expenses paid, five day vacation for one at the exclusive Caltel Ocean Resort. Enjoy your holiday in elegant, old-fashioned surroundings . . . All Expenses Paid by Jeffery Scott Sims. Available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, other fine eBook vendors and Gypsy Shadow Publishing at:
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